Thursday, May 5, 2011


Infinite thoughts

painting the human mind



falling leaves

subtle breath

rainny day

love those things anyway

let me look into her eyes


on the whole

down goes the temperature

(the viola in my mind?)

or in my life?


today i'm become invisible

she floats in the air....

the autumn's robes

if this should be

since feeling comes first

there is a lot of nuance

in my dream


my one point of rest


against the dying of a wish

entering the world and sing myself

a tree alone in a field

knowing the truth of desired things

......................... scratch!


another day,

the same affinity

the light seems to be moving

there's nothing left

away from the world

can't waken anything

through the night

... and there's the moon!




my thoughts

have turned often to you

under the long bridge

and listen all night long

... reminiscences...

in a while...



who could be my lighthouse?



... I beg the present to the past rewind

it's not every day!

there's nothing left in here

life to me

is just a play...


oh! I miss the white nights

where I could open

the window of my vulnerability

prosodic harmonies...

my star shines bright

still walking on the threshold

by the tides of destiny

wednesday morning

my heart joined breathing...

just like that anything could change

because the uproar...

always hurts me

               ___ ___ __  ____ __ ____ _____ __

people walking around

enveloping the spirit laden shadows

... and suddenly



............ ::::::::::::::::::::............

00:55 am

the only things real

are the blood on my arms

a cadence more fluid than rhyme

a place of my own

(long pause)

and you

contemplating the lines...

of unlimited



and sensitive meanings

of your own being

(very soft)

so deep...

so sweet...

you are

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